Tobias Schüttler studied Physics and Mathematics at LMU Munich and worked as a high school teacher until 2015. From 2015 until 2021 he worked as a scientific Assistant at the Chair of Physics education at LMU Munich doing his doctorate on out-of-school learning and science-teaching in the context of space technologies. Since 2003 Tobias works at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in promoting young talents. He is head of the DLR_School_Lab, an out-of-school science lab for high-school and university students. His research interests are extracurricular physics teaching and learning in the context of space technologies and gifted education.
From Aerospace to Science at School: Providing Creative Environments for Young STEM Talents' Research Projects
Innovative research projects are especially suited for supporting talents by bringing them into close contact with state-of-the-art research and development in the area of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). A stimulating project with clearly defined objective groups of gifted school students can raise their limits of previous knowledge. By means of self-structured team action they are enabled to conduct targeted research and develop a defined innovative result.
This workshop presents practical examples of aerospace-related school student research projects, including their basic conception, organizational conditions, and the essential aspects of planning and implementation. The supporting and stimulating role of teachers, university students and scientists is emphasized, especially by initiating a creative project idea and by structuring the project in an adequate way: Due to the great importance of creativity for all phases of such projects, the basic concepts of creativity and giftedness are addressed. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that Project-based Learning provides a suitable concept for such complex student research activities.